Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the children's TV series from Saban Entertainment, comes to CD-ROM in five exciting live action shows! Presented in the easy to use Matrix Interface format from Xiphias, this disc allows you to mix and match scenes from different shows, video, audio, text and graphics are right at your fingertips, providing hours of thrilling entertainment. Follow Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini and Zack as they battle an intergalactic sorceress who will stop at nothing in her attempt to conquer the universe. See the Power Rangers morph into costumed superheroes and burst into action with amazing fighting powers drawn from the spirits of ancient dinosaurs. Come along and join the Mighty Morpin Power Rangers in their world of adventure.
$29.99 $39.99 You Save $10.00
SKU 9736831919